Dry Vermouth

regional wine, brandy, nepitella, habek mint, citrus leaves, green coriander, wormwood, chamomile, cascade hops, etc. and house caramel 18%

Pennsylvania Aperitivo

regional wine, brandy, hibiscus, sumac, trifoliate orange, citrus leaves, spicebush, geranium, burnt orange, etc., and house caramel 18%

Sweet Vermouth

regional wine, brandy, fig leaf, trifoliate orange, hickory bark, sage, lavender, juniper, wormwood, anise hyssop, etc. and house caramel 18%

Pennsylvania Amaro

neutral grain spirit, trifoliate orange, lemon verbena, wormwood, juniper, etc., local honey and house caramel 40%

Sweet Red Vermouth

regional wine, brandy, concord grape, wormwood, bay leaf, rosemary, basil, juniper, trifoliate orange, etc., local honey and house caramel 18%

Pennsylvania Fernet

neutral grain spirit, local mints, wormwood, anise hyssop, cherry bark, etc., Berks County blackstrap molasses and house caramel 40%


Rosé Vermouth

regional wine, brandy, wild rose hips & petals, hibiscus, elderflower, Vietnamese coriander, etc., and house carmel 18%

Solera Sweet Vermouth

blend of over 200+ wines, wild-fermented cider & farmhouse ales, brandy, all of the vermouths, lots of regional and imported botanicals, local honey & house caramel. Solera was established in 2020 18%

Cider Vermouth

regional cider, brandy, bronze fennel, fennel, papalo, nepitella, anise hyssop, etc. and house caramel 18%